Polar Shift and the Christ Light

It is recommended that you read "Evolution of Consciousness" to help put the following into context and provide greater understanding and credibility.

Twenty-six years ago in 1992 I was living at my 90 hectare property at Parwan, 45 km from Melbourne. There were many incoming energies that implanted into the land. Often I could feel or intuit them, and I was able to explore their geometric form and purpose by dowsing. One of great significance was a small equal sided cross, the Aquarian Cross.

In Chapter 13 of Lifting the Veils, during a session of self healing, I describe how I felt within me the symbols of a six pointed star and an equal sided cross. With intense mental effort I was able to firmly locate the symbols in my heart chakra. On the land where there was an existing star energy, I found, centrally located, a Cross had appeared. It was January 1993. I found that the Cross, the symbol of the Aquarian Christ, was slowly expanding in size.

In Chapter 15 I describe how the star and the Cross had relocated to the Grove, the main energy site. The Cross now covered the entire 90 hectare property. I lay on the ground and the face of Jesus appeared in the low level turbulent clouds above. It remained there unchanged for about eight seconds.
In September 2018, nearly 26 years later, the Cross covers over 99% of the planet. When it covers the planet completely in early 2019 I anticipate there will be a shift out of the predominant material based reality to a more spiritual reality. The information provided by my spirit guides is that this will be accompanied by serious devastation. A likely scenario is that there will be a shift in the Earth’s magnetic poles. This is given some credibility in the book “The Keys of Enoch” by J J Hurtak. Such a shift is likely to seriously interfere with the electronic systems on which we are totally dependent in nearly all walks of life.

For me, the important thing is that it marks the beginning of the new spiritual phase of our evolution in consciousness. How this will play out for people in countries like Australia I cannot say at this point in time, but it seems it will cause a great deal of fear and confusion for some. Those whose life values come from love rather than fear and who recognise that we are spirit as well as body, should resonate and feel empowered by the new energy. It will certainly have a major impact, and hopefully encourage people to rethink their materialistic values. There could well be an energy shift that will help people see things differently, but I suspect that will take some time. I was given another message about gathering together those who will listen, not really a task I look forward to at my age with great anticipation.

This predicted forthcoming event is validated by the information channelled by spirit in the early 1990’s . . . . You realise that this is a heralding of the Christ Consciousness. This is an awakening of that which has lain dormant for many years of your time. This is a newness, a participation in the cosmic realms which you are about to graduate.
In January 1992, I was told . . . It has to do with expansion and rebirth. This is where you are at this time - a time of total rebirth and renewal. Nothing will be as it was before. There will be many things which you do not understand, and there will be many people who are not aligned with the Light at this time. Therefore you will see much devastation and agony. There can be no turning back from this point.

These few words give us clues as to the nature of our shift into the next phase of our evolution. If the devastation does occur as predicted, it will be important to have an understanding of what it is about and to be positive rather than fearful. We need to focus on the Light rather than the losses.

There will be a dividing of those who can see and those who are unable or have chosen not to. This will be in part painful, but will, as you see, be necessary, and those who are left behind will turn to another path and start on their new way home. This homecoming is for you and for those who are in similar Light vibration. There will be a cleansing of all those veils of doubt and muddiness, and you will emerge victorious and fully embodied in your new power and your new energy.
The world as you perceive it has been in transit for much time, and through each developing era (it) has required those who are in tune to assist it with its next step. You are but a link in the chain of this evolutionary process. Although we are aware of your great work, we are also aware of those who were before you and those before them.

There is reference to a polar shift in "The Keys of Enoch"

The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch  Chapter/Key 1-1-8 
"The world shall fulfill the cycle of rounds prophesied as she enters into a new meridian of time. The coming together of hidden scientific prophesy of the Nine Oracles will confirm the changing of the polar regions. After this purification the potential Omega is set within new spherical surface harmonies and the wonderful recreation of the world is allowed to proceed into a new cycle of husbandry."
Also . . .
"There is now occurring the fulfilment of ancient spiritual and scientific prophecy through the '64 Keys of Enoch' - the Revelation breaking the seven seals on the Book of Revelation, as well as explaining how the Brotherhoods of Light will work with members of the human race who can accept the promise of New Life in the myriad other universes." 


​P'taah is a Pleiadean  energy (entity)  who has guided John (and many others) and shared his wisdom over a number of years. The following is a passage from P’taah’s web site www.ptaah.com which is posted by his main channel, Jani King.

You have birthed yourself in an era of great change -- cyclic change, huge cyclic change -- stepping forth from one age of consciousness to another. And this change and this stepping forward, this is the yearning within your breast. This is why you were here now.  
And it does not have to be a great calamitous automatic affair because this journey is about love. It is about learning who you are and loving who you are. It is about allowance. It is about connectedness. It is about compassion and nurturing.

His reference to a calamitous affair would appear to be the predicted polar shift. As the gentle, loving being that he is, he would not wish to frighten people, but he does not say it won't happen.

September 2018
At first I interpreted the coming polar shift to involve the Earth changing its axis of rotation. On reflection, I realised that could not happen without a vast amount of energy being unleashed, such as collision with a planet size object. If that happened, nearly all life would be destroyed. My assumptions based on dowsing appeared to be incorrect, which surprised me as the dowsing was absolutely consistent.
The answer to this dilemma came from the the book The Keys of Enoch”in which the author describes his experience travelling through other non-physical dimensions of reality. The knowledge he was given is not always easy to understand, but when you know what you are looking for, it makes sense.
Key 118:13
At the culmination of the Father’s plan for Israel, a new Program Victory will signal the gathering of the tribes of the spiritual Israel.

Key 118:17
Before the new story of creation happens, the Earth will go through gross geo-magnetic and catastrophic changes as the magnetic regions of the North and South Poles release “their torque”, spinning the shell of the Earth into the new program of existence.

Key 118:19
The world shall fulfil the cycle of rounds prophesied as she enters into a new meridian of time. The coming together of hidden scientific prophesy of the Nine Oracles will confirm the changing of the polar regions. After this purification the potential Omega is set within new spherical surface harmonies and the wonderful recreation of the world is allowed to proceed into a new cycle of husbandry.

Key 118:20
There is now occurring the fulfilment of ancient spiritual and scientific prophesy through the ’64 Keys of Enoch’ – the Revelation breaking the seven seals on the Book of Revelation, as well as explaining how the Brotherhoods of Light will work with members of the human race who can accept the promise of New Life in the myriad other universes.

Key 118:17 makes it clear that the polar shift I was anticipating concerned the geo-magnetic poles, not the geographic poles. Otherwise my personal predictions and those of my spirit guides appear to be intact. Further validation comes from Alice Bailey’s book “Death- The Great Adventure”. (Quote will be posted soon)

The shift in the magnetic poles cannot be predicted accurately. The north magnetic pole is situated in Canada and is moving towards Siberia at a faster rate than normal.  If it accelerates, as stated in Keys of Enoch it will be catastrophic for many people. It is also the beginning of a new phase in the evolution of human consciousness. The world financial system are likely to collapse.

On Friday July 19, 2019, the sh[ft occurred on the subtle level and will translate to the physical level soon after, possibly in the year 2020, although it is not possible to accurately predict such a future event.

​In the following message it is not clear if P'taah was speaking for me personally or for people in general as it doesn't fit with planetary catastrophe.

“The energies contained in the new grids will become as more solid, and will therefore accomplish a physical shift in your Earth’s physicality, which will enable the lines you draw and the poles which are your focal points for these lines, to change also. As you are aware, the subtle body must be shifted first and then the physical will follow. This happens with small things as you understand them, with your manifesting and your ideas of new, better and different material assets; so the Higher Ones perform this task with your Earth, together with your Earth’s consent and full awareness.”